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What is Azan (Call to prayer)

Azan (Call to prayer) is used in terms of word meaning, to announce, to call, to declare. Azan, as a religious term, is the name given to the call made with certain words to inform people that the time of prayer is coming in Islam. In Islam, a ritual call from a minaret of a mosque.

Prayer and its meaning

- Allah is the greatest" (Allâh-ü Ekber),

- I testify that there is no god except Allah (Eşhedü en lâ ilâhe İllAllah),

- I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God (Eşhedü enne Muhammeden Rasûlullah),

- Come on prayer (Hayye ale's-salâh),

- Let's salvation (Hayye ale'l-felâh),

- Prayer is better than sleep (As-salatu hayrun mine'n nevm) (Read only in the morning)

- Allah is the greatest" (Allâh-ü Ekber),

- There is no god but God (Lâ ilâhe İllAllah).


Call to azan voice


Azan is read 5 times a day. These; morning, noon, evening, afternoon and night.

After the prayer of the muslims can pray for time. Azan is read in the mosques by religious officials.

The first azan was read in 622 by Bilal-i Habeşi in the morning prayers and on the roof of a high house.

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Namaz Nasıl Kılınır

“Ey iman edenler, rükû edin, secde edin, Rabbinize kulluk edin ve hayır işleyin ki kurtuluşa eresiniz.” (Hac Suresi, 77. ayet)

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